Monthly Archives: October 2022


To those thinking that a snap General Election and an incoming Labour government would be the answer to their problems, I would urge caution.
In my lifetime there have been four Labour Prime Ministers – Harold Wilson (twice), Jim Callaghan, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown. Under these Labour governments the people of Scotland fared no better than under the Tories. Wilson was corrupt and sent lots of his cronies to the Lords. Callaghan was inept and was responsible for refusing Scotland a devolved government in 1979. Blair was a war criminal and it was him along with Donald Dewar who were responsible for stealing 6,000 sq miles of Scottish water for England. Brown was the architect of the “vow” which was designed to con the Scottish people into voting no in 2014.
Don’t get me wrong, I detest the Tories but I also detest Labour. Indeed, I detest all unionist parties and I never lose sight of the fact that but for Labour, Scotland would be independent now.
A general election can be used to demand and retake our independence. Any other outcome is a betrayal of the Scottish people.


Stirling – my early years in the SNP

I am feeling very positive and upbeat following the Alba Conference in the Albert Hall, Stirling – my home town.

This is where I first got involved in politics.

I joined the SNP Stirling branch in 1966 – a branch whose members included Dr Robert McIntyre, Sandy Milne, Maurice Thierry, Helen Davidson, Robert Campbell, Bob Burnett to name but a few. As a fourteen year old I learnt a lot from these people but my most lasting memory is the passion they had for independence.

Ever since, I have always believed that passion is the way to convince people to vote for independence.

They were also kind, open, honest and friendly people – people you could trust.

However, I now genuinely believe that within the Alba family I have encountered many people with the same values, the same beliefs and the same determination for independence.

There is a strong sense of kinship, friendship and kindness.

There is most certainly passion.


Alba Conference Leader’s Address